Inspired by the recent success of Transformers for Natural Language Processing and vision Transformer for Computer Vision, many researchers in the medical imaging community have flocked to Transformer-based networks for various main stream medical tasks such as classification, segmentation, and estimation. In this study, we analyze, two recently published Transformer-based network architectures for the task of multimodal head-and-tumor segmentation and compare their performance to the de facto standard 3D segmentation network - the nnU-Net. Our results showed that modeling long-range dependencies may be helpful in cases where large structures are present and/or large field of view is needed. However, for small structures such as head-and-neck tumor, the convolution-based U-Net architecture seemed to perform well, especially when training dataset is small and computational resource is limited.
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The SNMMI Artificial Intelligence (SNMMI-AI) Summit, organized by the SNMMI AI Task Force, took place in Bethesda, MD on March 21-22, 2022. It brought together various community members and stakeholders from academia, healthcare, industry, patient representatives, and government (NIH, FDA), and considered various key themes to envision and facilitate a bright future for routine, trustworthy use of AI in nuclear medicine. In what follows, essential issues, challenges, controversies and findings emphasized in the meeting are summarized.
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Modern supervised learning neural network models require a large amount of manually labeled data, which makes the construction of domain-specific knowledge graphs time-consuming and labor-intensive. In parallel, although there has been much research on named entity recognition and relation extraction based on distantly supervised learning, constructing a domain-specific knowledge graph from large collections of textual data without manual annotations is still an urgent problem to be solved. In response, we propose an integrated framework for adapting and re-learning knowledge graphs from one coarse domain (biomedical) to a finer-define domain (oncology). In this framework, we apply distant-supervision on cross-domain knowledge graph adaptation. Consequently, no manual data annotation is required to train the model. We introduce a novel iterative training strategy to facilitate the discovery of domain-specific named entities and triples. Experimental results indicate that the proposed framework can perform domain adaptation and construction of knowledge graph efficiently.
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由于各种物理降解因素和收到有限的计数,宠物图像质量需要进一步改进。去核扩散概率模型(DDPM)是基于分布学习的模型,它们试图根据迭代改进将正态分布转换为特定的数据分布。在这项工作中,我们提出并评估了基于DDPM的不同基于DDPM的方法,以进行PET图像Denoisising。在DDPM框架下,执行PET图像Denoising的一种方法是提供PET图像和/或先前的图像作为网络输入。另一种方法是将先前的图像作为输入提供,其中包含在改进步骤中的PET图像,这可以适合不同噪声水平的方案。 120 18F-FDG数据集和140个18F-MK-6240数据集用于评估所提出的基于DDPM的方法。量化表明,基于DDPM的框架包含PET信息可以比非本地平均值和基于UNET的DeNoising方法产生更好的结果。在模型中添加额外的先验可以帮助实现更好的性能,并进一步降低图像deNosing过程中的不确定性。在忽略宠物信息的同时,仅依靠先验先验会导致巨大的偏见。区域和表面量化表明,在推断过程中嵌入PET图像作为数据一致性约束的同时,使用MR作为网络输入可以达到最佳性能。总而言之,基于DDPM的PET图像Denoisising是一个灵活的框架,它可以有效地利用先前的信息并获得比非本地平均值和基于UNET的DeNoising方法更好的性能。
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跨核心联合学习(FL)已成为医疗保健机器学习应用程序中有前途的工具。它允许医院/机构在数据私有时使用足够的数据培训模型。为了确保FL模型在FL客户之间面对异质数据时,大多数努力都集中在为客户个性化模型上。但是,客户数据之间的潜在关系被忽略了。在这项工作中,我们专注于一个特殊的非IID FL问题,称为域混合FL,其中每个客户的数据分布都被认为是几个预定域的混合物。认识到域的多样性和域内的相似性,我们提出了一种新颖的方法Feddar,该方法以脱钩的方式学习了域共享表示形式和域名个性化的预测头。对于简化的线性回归设置,我们从理论上证明了Feddar具有线性收敛速率。对于一般环境,我们对合成和现实世界医学数据集进行了深入的经验研究,这些研究表明了其优越性比先前的FL方法。
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由于其定量优点和高灵敏度,位置排放断层扫描(PET)被广泛用于诊所和研究中,但遭受了低信噪比(SNR)的侵害。最近,卷积神经网络(CNN)已被广泛用于提高宠物图像质量。尽管在局部特征提取方面取得了成功和有效的效率,但由于其接受场有限,CNN无法很好地捕获远距离依赖性。全球多头自我注意力(MSA)是捕获远程信息的流行方法。但是,3D图像的全局MSA计算具有较高的计算成本。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个有效的空间和渠道编码器变压器Spach Transformer,可以基于本地和全局MSA来利用空间和渠道信息。基于不同宠物示踪剂数据集的实验,即$^{18} $ f-fdg,$^{18} $ f-acbc,$^{18} $ f-dcfpyl,$ f-dcfpyl和$^{68} $ ga--进行了Dotatate,以评估提出的框架。定量结果表明,所提出的SPACH变压器可以比其他参考方法获得更好的性能。
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目的:要开发CADIA,一种基于区域提案网络的监督深度学习模型,耦合具有针对计算机断层造影(CTA)颅内动脉瘤(IA)的假阳性减少模块,并评估我们的模型的性能到类似的检测网络。方法:在此回顾性研究中,我们评估了来自两种独立的疾病患者的两种单独的患者患者的囊性IA> = 2.5mm。实施了两步模型:用于初始动脉瘤检测的3D区域提案网络,以及3D DENSENETSFOR虚假阳性降低以及对可疑IA的进一步确定。还进行了自由响应接收器操作特征(FROC)曲线和患者级性能,在既定的假每体积(FPPV)时呈现出误报。 Fisher的确切测试用于与类似的可用模型进行比较。结果:0.25和1 FPPV的Cadia的敏感性分别为63.9%和77.5%。我们的模型的性能随着尺寸和位置而变化,最佳性能是在5-10毫米和前沟通动脉的含量,敏感性分别为95.8%和94%的敏感性。与0.25 FPPV的可用型号相比,我们的模型显示出统计学上更高的患者级精度,灵敏度和特异性。在1 FPPV阈值下,我们的模型显示出更好的准确性和特异性(P <= 0.001)和等效灵敏度。结论:CADIA在IA的检测任务中表现出可比网络。添加假阳性还原模块是改善IA检测模型的可行步骤。
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In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at
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Dataset distillation has emerged as a prominent technique to improve data efficiency when training machine learning models. It encapsulates the knowledge from a large dataset into a smaller synthetic dataset. A model trained on this smaller distilled dataset can attain comparable performance to a model trained on the original training dataset. However, the existing dataset distillation techniques mainly aim at achieving the best trade-off between resource usage efficiency and model utility. The security risks stemming from them have not been explored. This study performs the first backdoor attack against the models trained on the data distilled by dataset distillation models in the image domain. Concretely, we inject triggers into the synthetic data during the distillation procedure rather than during the model training stage, where all previous attacks are performed. We propose two types of backdoor attacks, namely NAIVEATTACK and DOORPING. NAIVEATTACK simply adds triggers to the raw data at the initial distillation phase, while DOORPING iteratively updates the triggers during the entire distillation procedure. We conduct extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, architectures, and dataset distillation techniques. Empirical evaluation shows that NAIVEATTACK achieves decent attack success rate (ASR) scores in some cases, while DOORPING reaches higher ASR scores (close to 1.0) in all cases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive ablation study to analyze the factors that may affect the attack performance. Finally, we evaluate multiple defense mechanisms against our backdoor attacks and show that our attacks can practically circumvent these defense mechanisms.
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Automatic music generation with artificial intelligence typically requires a large amount of data which is hard to obtain for many less common genres and musical instruments. To tackle this issue, we present ongoing work and preliminary findings on the possibility for deep models to transfer knowledge from language to music, by finetuning large language models pre-trained on a massive text corpus on only hundreds of MIDI files of drum performances. We show that by doing so, one of the largest, state-of-the-art models (GPT3) is capable of generating reasonable drum grooves, while models that are not pre-trained (Transformer) shows no such ability beyond naive repetition. Evaluating generated music is a challenging task, more so is evaluating drum grooves with little precedence in literature. Hence, we propose a tailored structural evaluation method and analyze drum grooves produced by GPT3 compared to those played by human professionals, exposing the strengths and weaknesses of such generation by language-to-music transfer. Our findings suggest that language-to-music transfer learning with large language models is viable and promising.
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